Getting Fatter but Don’t know WHY?

Are you eating less but still gaining weight?

If the answer is yes, I will help you understand the reason behind your weight.

You may already try “eat less and exercise more”. Did that help you?

There are reasons why you may be gaining weight and those reasons include

  1. Aging;
  2. Hormones;
  3. Sleep;
  4. Stress.


Funny things happen the older we get. People commonly experience lower energy levels, more digestive discomfort, weight gain, as well as aches and pains.

Aging can result in hormonal changes for both men and women. And these can contribute to loss of some lean muscle mass, as well as increases and changes in fat storage on our bodies.

The good thing is that this is very common and not your fault one bit.


Your thyroid is the master controller of your metabolism and can be a massive contributor to your weight gain. There are several things that can affect it and throw it off course.

When your thyroid gets off course and produces fewer hormones your metabolism slows down. And when your metabolism slows down you can gain weight. Even though you’re eating the same way you always have.

Pro Tip: Talk with your doctor about having your hormones tested.


There is plenty of research that shows the influence that sleep has on your metabolic rate.

And as we age it can become harder and harder to get a good night’s sleep.

The general consensus is to get 7-9 hours of sleep every night to help avoid weight gain.

It’s true! Lack of sleep is linked with weight gain.

Pro Tip: Try to get at least 7 hours of sleep every night. The first place to start is by implementing a calming before bedtime routine.


It seems to be everywhere! So many things that can cause stress responses in your body.

And you know that stress hormones are not going to help you sustain healthy habits or maintain a healthy weight, right?

While you can’t necessarily change your stressors you can try to adjust your stress response to them.

Pro Tip: Try meditation or yoga. Or even mindful eating. 


There are lots of factors that can affect your weight. Aging, hormones, stress, and sleep are all interconnected to each other and can all contribute to weight gain.

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To Your Success,

Coach Jobi



Jobi Samuel

Jobi Samuel is a certified Holistic Health Coach.
Jobi is the founder of Jobi’s mission is to help people enjoy their life with the help of good health. Jobi received his health coaching training from Institute of Integrative Nutrition (IIN) which is world’s largest nutrition school

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