How to Cure Diabetes?

Diabetes occur when pancreas does not produce enough insulin or when the body cannot effectively use the insulin it produces.
2 important questions all diabetes people has to ask is
1. Why my pancreas does not produce enough Insulin
2. Why my body cannot effective use the insulin
So if you can find answer to those 2 questions above, you got the cure!
I went through lot of research, do you know what I found?

Key Facts about Diabetes

1. People with diabetes seem to develop more severe COVID disease.

This is because people with diabetes there is more inflammation in the body.

2. Diabetes is a major cause of heart attacks, kidney failure, stroke and blindness

3. The number of people with diabetes rose from 108 million in 1980 to 422 million in 2014 and the number is increasing!

4. Between 2000 and 2016, there was a 5% increase in premature mortality from diabetes. Premature mortality refers to deaths occurring too early i.e. at any age lower than the life expectancy

5. In 2019, diabetes was the ninth leading cause of death with an estimated 1.5 million deaths directly caused by diabetes

So the data is clear, diabetes is something we both need to avoid!

Before trying to avoid diabetes, you need to know few things…


What Is Diabetes?

Diabetes is a disease that occurs either when pancreas does not produce enough insulin or when the body cannot use insulin it produces.pancreasThe law of the body is no matter what, your body must maintain certain level of sugar in the blood(80-110 mg/dL range)
Insulin is a hormone that regulates blood sugar when we eat.
Picture yourself eating your favourite food, what happen to your body after you ate?
weight loss
The food you ate is converted to sugar which means your blood sugar level changed which also means the level is not 80 or 110mg/dL any more, thats is a problem!
Why that’s a problem?
I mentioned above our body must maintain 80-110mg/dL of blood glucose or sugar all the time.
After every meal this number is changed. Good news is we got pancreas. Pancreas has 2 main functions, one of them is to regulate blood sugar using hormones insulin and glucagon
Glucagon raise blood sugar, insulin’s job is to bring down excess sugar by one of the 3 methods mentioned below


Three things happen when there is excess sugar in your system

1. It may use for immediate energy
2. It may store as stored sugar inside liver or muscles.
(Our body should have enough potassium to make stored sugar which means lack of potassium means no stored sugar)
3. If the excess sugar not used for immediate energy or by the liver or muscles, rest all is converted to FAT (for future use).
Maintaining proper blood sugar levels is crucial to the functioning of key organs including the brain, liver, and kidneys.


What causes Diabetes

Diabetes is a condition where your body is no more able to regulate the blood sugar level (80-110 mg/dL range)
Diabetes happen when one of the following occurs:
1. When pancreas does not produce any insulin
2. Pancreas produces very little insulin
3. When the body does not respond to insulin , a condition called “Insulin resistance”.
When we consume any type of food whether that is your favourite cake carbs or protein shake, glucose or sugar created.
Your pancreas with the help of insulin manges those excess sugar.
Every cell in your body needs glucose for energy.
Think of insulin as a lock to the cell, Insulin must open the cell to allow it to use glucose for energy.

If your pancreas doesn’t make enough insulin or doesn’t make good use of it, glucose builds up in your bloodstream, leaving your cells starved for energy.

When glucose builds up in your bloodstream, this is known as hyperglycemia.

The symptoms of hyperglycemia include thirst, nausea, and shortness of breath.

Low glucose, known as hypoglycemia, also causes many symptoms, including shakiness, dizziness, and loss of consciousness.

Hyperglycemia and hypoglycemia can quickly become life-threatening, guess why! How long can you survive without breath?covid symptom

Imagine when you are not eating any food…
Blood sugar may drop, when that happen an other hormone called IGF, created by liver will put sugar back to blood, amazing right!
2 Types of Diabetes

Type 1 diabetes: Type 1 diabetes happen when body cannot make insulin and requires daily administration of insulin.

Type 2 diabetes: In type 2 diabetes, your body has become resistant to the effects of insulin.

This means your body needs more insulin to get the same effects.
As a result, your body overproduces insulin to keep your blood glucose levels normal.
After many years of this overproduction, insulin-producing cells in your pancreas burn out.
Type 2 diabetes can affect people of any age and by all means we need to make sure our pancrease and liver works properly.
Liver and pancrease need rest in order for them to work properly.
Imagine an engine or you working 24/7 without any rest- how many days will you be able to work like that?
I have seen many people drink sugar water all the time. This is similar like someone working 24/7. God please help them!



Diabetes is a condition where the body is not able to regulate blood sugar level.
The truth is no matter what anything we eat is converted to sugar. Excess sugar is a problem.
Your body with them help of pancreas and insulin manages those excess sugar.
Type1 Diabetes associated with Pancreas not creating insulin.
Type 2 diabetics associated with your body no longer uses insulin well, so your blood glucose levels can become too high or too low.
“Diabetes can be treated and its consequences avoided or delayed with diet, physical activity, medication and regular screening and treatment for complications” – World Health Organization
3 Recommendations
Diabetes can be prevented by following the 4 steps mentioned below
1. Add more potassium to your diet (6-7 cups of veggies every day)
2. Fat does not increase insulin so consume healthy Fats
3. Skip meals if you’re not hungry
4. Move you body every day to clean up toxins
Who is Jobi
Jobi is an IIN Certified Health/Fitness Coach.


Jobi Samuel

Jobi Samuel is a certified Holistic Health Coach.
Jobi is the founder of Jobi’s mission is to help people enjoy their life with the help of good health. Jobi received his health coaching training from Institute of Integrative Nutrition (IIN) which is world’s largest nutrition school

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